New Beginnings
In an effort to make it easier to compare my growth over time, and to better see trends, I’ve adopted a fiscal calendar with 13 periods of 4 weeks each, rather than stick to the traditional Gregorian calendar. Today is the first day of the first week of Period 3. This way weeks are easier to compare. Periods are easier to compare than months, since they have the same number of days. Also, the new year started on a Sunday, so it seemed like a good time to get myself situated on this plan
In Period 2, I managed to soft launch my Bulk Distribution Service, which seems to be a great success so far. I sold out of all the Pokemon I had acquired, and even sold some of my Flesh and Blood bulk. I’ve got more bulk collections coming in this week, so look forward to more available next weekend. All I have currently is FaB bulk, so if you still are interested in picking up some of that, head over to my KoFi shop.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in selling bulk as well, let’s make a deal and get it into the hands of those who can bring it back to the market.
I have wanted this last period to get more of a routine going in the way I run my business. I have been… modestly successful. Mostly in doing the essential tasks every day. A good basis to build off of. My next goal this Period is to get better at listing daily and to get better at consistently creating my social media content. So, this is a bit of forcing myself to be better about it because I’m talking about it publicly. Now I’m accountable to someone - so there. =P
Look for me to be (hopefully) publishing a YouTube Short on weekdays, post to LinkedIn 2-3 times per week, to the YouTube community tab a couple times per week, and to send out this newsletter weekly, with the BDS availability after the Patrons have first crack at it.
Anyway, it seems pretty strongly that the collectibles market has bottomed a bit, there are several indications I’m receiving, not just public facing ones like Rudy at Alpha Investments, but also other people talking with me specifically. The higher end of the market is ticking up, in Magic, Pokemon, Flesh and Blood, and somewhat in sports cards as well. This long-term bodes well for the bulk as well, though it may be the case that prices go up as it becomes a little harder to find.
I’m not certain about the chances of the anticipated Pokemon reprint. There’s arguments to be made on both sides, and in my opinion, you can’t really plan for it to be either way. Just sell the bulk as you get it, keep churning it out, and you just flow with the market, rather than trying to time the market. I know the phrase “Time in the market > timing the market” refers to long term hodl positions or whatever, but there is a way it applies here too. It’s better to be active in the market than to try to jump in at the perfect time.
Today is always the best day to start something. And in this kind of business, every day is a chance to start. To buy a new collection, to list a new set, to learn a new vertical, &c., &c.
Shameless shilling
My discount code ‘tcgbulkkings’ still works for your orders at BCW Supplies to save you 10% on your order. And it shoots me a 5% kickback as well =] Help me out if you are needing any supplies:
Shipping Shields are the top of the line cardboard card protectors for getting your cards safely to their destination. Check them out at
If you wish to deal with an alternative to the TCGplayer marketplace, definitely try out CardTrader. Buy from worldwide sellers, and sell to worldwide customers. All simplified with their CardTrader Zero program, which is similar to the TCGplayer Direct program, except there are almost no restrictions to joining. Most people can join and participate immediately. Try them out at
If this has been interesting or helpful at all, please have a look at my Patreon. A lot of interesting things going on there, a community of likeminded folk who all believe Every Card Has Value. And early access to the Bulk Distribution Service inventory as it comes in as well.
TCG Bulk Kings